March 5, 2014 Week 1 Leadership and Government
Apprentice Level
Personal Leadership:
1. Watch this TED video by Amy Cuddy about how your body language shapes who you are:
Pick 1 of the power stances and do that stance every morning and every evening starting now through the month of March. Email which one you are going to do to Sister Allen by Saturday 9:00pm March 1st.
Pick 1 of the power stances and do that stance every morning and every evening starting now through the month of March. Email which one you are going to do to Sister Allen by Saturday 9:00pm March 1st.
2. Watch this TED video by Shawn Achor about the happy secret to better work:
a. How has your attitude prevented or assisted you in your education? Please answer this with several sentences and email this to Sister Allen by the time and date above. What I mean is to think about this. How are you helping or hindering yourself.
b. Write 3 things you are grateful each day for 1 week. Being your list to class on March 5th.
b. Write 3 things you are grateful each day for 1 week. Being your list to class on March 5th.
1. Bring your drawings for Article 1 to class so we can make a book for each student. The remaining Articles will be assigned during class on March 5th.
1. Bring your drawings for Article 1 to class so we can make a book for each student. The remaining Articles will be assigned during class on March 5th.
Book Discussion:
1. Read Animal Farm by George Orwell:
You can read it online here:
--You may listen to the audio book as long as you follow along with the book so you can mark interesting facts and take notes.
2. Write a list of every characters name and the type of animal that character is. Bring this to class..We will have an activity.
2. Write a list of every characters name and the type of animal that character is. Bring this to class..We will have an activity.
Choose 1 or more of the following to present in class:
---Do any of the animals remind you of a human you know or have learned of in history? Give examples and details.
---Research George Orwell. Be able to explain why he wrote this book, what is he trying to say, what do we need to be watching for in our own society and nation? What was happening in history etc…
---Research or read a book about a person who has done hard things that qualifies that person to be a hero and give a Hero Report up to 3 minutes in length.
---Research and present on several forms of government such as: monarchy, democracy, communism, socialism, dictatorship, anarchy,
---Call Sister Allen with your own idea for what you will share not listed above. Call me Monday morning by noon 3rd of March or email me at 801-850-6554.
Journeyman Level
1.Read letters 1-5 (22 pages) of Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? Take notes and come prepared to discuss the readings, coinage, terminology.
Do one of the following or create your own idea related to the readings:
1. For several days, each evening, sort all the coinage collected by each member of the family. Return all coined dated after 1965.Record how many pre-1965 coins you’ve found. Discuss your findings in class and come with a hypothesis as to why.
2. Record the instances in which you hear someone say, “It’s free!” It doesn’t cost anything” or something similar to that statement. Who said it was free? What product or service is free? Who pays?
3. Watch one of these old moives and explain how it relates to Letter #2. Harry’s War, You Can’t Take It With You, or Mr. Deed Goes To Town..I'm not sure if they are even available these days.

Watch here:
5. Research the price of 5 pounds of sugar or flour starting in 1926, 1945, 1988, and 2014. Share results.
6. Ask your parents what the price of certain items were when they were young. Share results, make a chart...
7. Research the value of American currency against other countries over the past 20 years.
Master Level
1. Read TJED for Teens Chapter 6. Find a jar or box and bring it to class. I will give you the teen questions printed up to use over the next days while we answer and report back in April.
2. Take the Enneagram test for free (10 minutes short version of the $10, 40 minute test) here: ttp://
---Come prepared to talk about the chapter, your findings about yourself, and the personality test… Can you guess my personality? Email me your guess and I will guess about you. Email me by Tuesday night say 10pm