Personal Leadership:
1. ?How Essential Skills: Select a chapter that you need to develop more within yourself. Share what you plan to focus on with a parent. Write about the chapter in your reflection journal and include what you can do to help yourself and at least 1 goal you plan to do during the month of February for this assignment.
1. Promises of the Constitution: Read section 11.
Email Sister Allen significant points that you learned from section 11. This needs to be a complete thought involving several sentences. Like a whole paragraph.

**Please note that there will be no reading assigned from TJED 4 Teens in February. Chapter 5 of this book will be assigned to Master Level this month.
**A guest speaker will meet with the youth at 10:30 on February 5th. Our guest is a member of Toastmasters and will present a short introduction to public speaking skills and impromptu speaking. Keep your fingers crossed.
Choose one of the following:
1. Color, draw, use an art medium to show how you can remember the Preamble.
2. Further research one section from Article 1 and create a presentation no longer than
2-4 minutes.
3. Collect newspaper clippings on topics related to the Constitution. This can be any of the Articles but you can focus on Article 1 if you would like. Be able to explain the article without reading it word for word.
4. Research in depth one of the 27 amendments and prepare a presentation. You can use power point, prezi, pictures you draw….be creative.
5. Come up with your own idea related to the reading assignments and call Sister Allen getting approval from her first.

1. Before reading the below articles PLEASE email Sister Allen an answer to the following question: Q: "What is economics? Why is it important to study economics?" Do not research these questions just answer as best you can, email your answer to me and then begin the reading assignments.
2. Read Whatever Happened To Penny Candy: pages 7-18 (this is the preface so if
you don't have the book yet that is okay but try to borrow and read it.)
3. Read articles "A-D" of the following articles: Email Sister Allen a short summary of each article you read including what you learned, what you don’t understand, what you liked, and what you hope to learn by attending this class and reading Uncle Eric’s Whatever Happened to Penny Candy.
A. “The Wondrous Toy Story or Why Study Economics” by Bettina B. Greaves: can’t find on-line. I will send a copy of this to you..please ask me.
B. “Economics for Boys and Girls” by leonard Read:
C. “Letter to His Stepbrother” by Abraham Lincoln: (scroll to page six)
D. "Start At The Beginning" by Robert Lefevre:
D. "Start At The Beginning" by Robert Lefevre:
The following are additional reading that I highly recommend for greater understanding:
E. “Letter To His Grandson” by Fred I. Kent:
F. “The Cow in the Apartment” by Burton Rascoe:
G. “I, Pencil” by Leonard E. Read :
Watch this youtube:
H. "Free Market: Elementary, My Child" by Barbara Bryan:
H. "Free Market: Elementary, My Child" by Barbara Bryan:
I. “Free Market Economics; A Reader” edited by Bettina Graves:
This pdf has almost all of the above articles and many many more for your learning and growth. I encourage you to read these this summer. I know I will. It is my plan to print this document into book form. If you’re interested please let me know.
Choose one of the following:
1. Search newspapers for articles related to economics of America and or other countries. Be prepared to summarize what the article is saying and what you think it means based on your current experience with economics.
2. Call several local high schools or colleges/universities. Ask the economics teachers on what school of economics their school text is based. (Keynesian, Monetarist, Austrian). Present on your findings.
3. This level will be using Uncle Eric’s Whatever Happened to Penny Candy during the March and April class. I don’t think we will be able finish the book during this time. If buying the book is a hardship talk to Sister Allen about it. The above readings are to prepare our minds for Uncle Eric’s book on economics. I encourage all of you to attend.
3. This level will be using Uncle Eric’s Whatever Happened to Penny Candy during the March and April class. I don’t think we will be able finish the book during this time. If buying the book is a hardship talk to Sister Allen about it. The above readings are to prepare our minds for Uncle Eric’s book on economics. I encourage all of you to attend.
4. Create your own inspirement related to one of the articles that you read. Do the research, come prepared to share while driving to our snowshoeing activity.
1. TJED 4 Teens: Read chapter 5 “Scholar Phase”. Email Sister Allen a detailed summary of what you gained from this chapter. Include your thoughts what you are finding hard, what you have questions about, etc. This will be a self-guided study. I will respond to your emails this time because we will be on a field trip. Answer this question: How do you plan to improve your thinking skills?
**If you have any questions about assignments, please call Sister Allen before 9am of Monday February 3rd.
**All emails must be in Sister Allen’s mailbox by 8am Wednesday morning of February 5th. Email me:
Feb. 5th 12:30-3:00PM