November 2013
the following chapters and take notes. Come prepared to help your
table create an impromptu presentation.
- The Young Traveler's Gift: Book discussion to follow in class. Come prepared to discuss this book with the class.
- ?How Essential Skills: Continue with selecting and working on a personal skill to help develop you and your testimony. Report-in with your parents and let them know how it is going for you.
- Promises of the Constitution: Read Section 9. Take your reading to level 3 like it said in ch.2 of TJED.
- TJED for Teens: Read chapter 3. This assignment covers 3 days. Please copy the forms in this chapter and follow what the authors say to do.
one or more of the following to help expand your knowledge. Plan to
share with the class:
- Prepare a Hero Report: include a picture printed or drawn by you. Add dates, name.
- Prepare and Present how you will go about learning the Seven Decisions For Success from The Young Traveler's Gift. This can be a poem, art work, a video, key sentences you want to use from each decision.
- Submit your own review of The Young Traveler's Gift to this site Teen Ink: Turn in a copy or email your review to Sister Allen before class on the 6th of Nov.
- Research the financial standing of America. Prepare a presentation to share in class. Write a report, you can use posters, graphs, find out how much many we are in debt to. Etc...
- Write a proposal to bring back the 17th Amendment. Explain how and what you would seek to do.
- Present several ideas you learned from chapter 3 of TJED for Teens. Share what you feel are/is your mission(s) right now. You can sing, write, record, paint to get your message across to us.
- Share a time when you made a decision and share the side effects of that decision. Would you do it again? What have you learned?
the following assignments. Take notes and be prepared to contribute
in class.
1. Uncle
Eric: Read letters 18-22Choose one or more of the following to help expand your understanding: Plan to share with the class:
- Make a list of all the things you want to learn before you go on a mission or turn 19. This can be a written list, pictures from magazines, drawings/paintings, etc....
- Talk to an old person who was part of the “prosperous employee model” find out things based on letter 19 and come prepared to share in class.
- Discover how much money has been lost in the stock market crashes since 2000. Present finding in a report form. Using words, pictures, or grafts.
- Using Letter 22, prioritize the areas that Uncle Eric says we need to have experience with. Present your list at class.
- Seriously consider Letter 22 and pick 5 areas you want to learn about and gain experience in over the next 2-6 years. Which will be first? How will you make this happen? Share your list, why you have chosen these items, and how you are going to get going with your learning.
- Brainstorm some possible fund raisers Vanguard Youth could participate in to earn money for future activities. Come prepared with ideas, posters, video, anything to get your point across to other youth.
and Read the following assignments. Take notes. Be prepared to share
while driving to our field trip presentation.
- When Your Heart Tells You Things Your Mind Does Not Know by Pres. Lee
- Two Contending Forces by President David O. McKay Print here: Listen here:
- Protecting Freedom-An Immediate Responsibility by E.T. Benson
- Write down your thoughts from two of the three papers. Include concerns you have, questions you have, ideas you have. Send by email or give a copy to Sister Allen at class time. We also have a tour of a private collection today.
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