Tuesday, December 17, 2013

January 2014

Read and do the following 3 requirements:
  1. ?How Essential Skills: Continue with selecting and working on a personal skill to help develop your liberty, your freedom, and your testimony. Report-in with your parents and let them know how it is going for you or email Sister Allen.
  2. Promises of the Constitution:  Read Section 10. High light ideas that interest you. Email Sister Allen by 8pm 1/7/14 expressing what you gained from this section.
  3. TJED for Teens: Read chapter 4. This is an interesting chapter, that requires some thought about what you want to do with your education and what your parents want you to do as well. After thinking about this chapter, please email at lest one or more questions you have about this chapter or questions you want to discuss in class by 8pm 1/7/14 to Sister Allen . Bring a copy of your questions to class
Choose one or more of the following to help expand your knowledge. Plan to share with the class:

  • Prepare a Hero Report: include a picture printed or drawn by you. Add dates, name. Give an oral report that is 2-5minutes include why, what where, when , how about your hero.
  • Research C.S. Lewis' The Inner Ring' read the paper he wrote and explain what you learned in a presentation about 2-5 minutes in length.
  • What subjects of learning are you in love with right now? Email Sister Allen in an essay form what the subjects are, why you are excited about learning them, what you are doing to learn and examples of learning or experiences you have had. Email Sister Allen my 8pm 1/7/14.
  • Create a presentation not longer then 5 minutes regarding what you have learned about government since reading Promises of the Constitution. Write this is essay form and give a copy to Sister Allen at class as you give your presentation on this subject.
  • There are many things you can share about your learning from chapter 4 of TJED. Create a presentation that is 2-5 minutes and share it with the class.
    **If you do not like the choices, then create your own inspirements related to the required readings. Call Sister Allen with your plan to get her feedback.
Read the following assignments. Take notes and be prepared to contribute in class.
    --1. Uncle Eric: Read Letters 23-31. This will conclude the book. Please write in one or more paragraphs what you gained, what you can take away, and your plan for using what Uncle Eric has shared with you. Email Sister Allen this answer by 8pm 1/7/14.

    Choose one or create your own inspirement to share in Journeyman class:
      -Make a list of all the things you want to learn before you go on a mission or turn 19. Email Sister Allen your list by 8pm 1/7/14.
      --Create a research project using one of the letters in this group of required readings. Go in depth have fun finding out what it is you are seeking to learn. Email your planned research to Sister Allen asap.
      --Explain in written form why Uncle Eric is sharing this knowledge with you? Explain what you want to do with this new information. Explain how you will make the information into knowledge and use it to serve you and increase your liberty. Present this to the group and give a copy to Sister Allen at class time.
      --Research the number of people under 30 years of age unemployed in America and Europe. Present your findings to the class.
      --Research Social Security and come prepared with a 2-5 minute presentation of your discoveries.
      --Spend some time helping to write up the payments for bills with your parent. Ask to be shown how to write the checks out and do so for your parent. Report on the experience at class.
      --Ask your parents what financial planning they are using. Help your parents to seek if their plan is safe over long time. Report on your findings to the class. How can you be more prepared?
      If you do not like the choices, then create your own inspirements related to the required readings. Call Sister Allen with your plan to get her feedback.

Read the following assignments. Take notes and be prepared to contribute in class.
    --1. Read Section 1 Getting The Book Through You. Sister Allen will send this document to you. Please email her with your request. I will post link at Vanguard site too. When I figure it out.
    --2. Read Education of a Wandering Man by the famous western author Louis L'Amour. 210 pages.
Do the following before reading the book by L'Amour:
--Read the article first.
--Research Louis L'Amour on the web or at the library. Spend no more then 60 minutes unless it's really got you searching then keep searching. Write in paragraph form what you learned about the man, his faith, his activities, his books, likes, dislike, service to nation motive....what ever you learn. Do this before reading the book. Email a copy to Sister Allen by 8pm 1/7/14
--Using your reflection journal for keeping track of words and look them up while you read the book. Come prepared to share the words you looked up.
--Also in your reflection journal write a summary of each chapter so you can recall what you learned or read from each chapter.
--Come prepared for a book discussion. Have questions you want to ask other students, have answers to questions you found after reading this book.

--Answer: Why did Mr. L'Amour write this for us to read??? 

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