2013 Leadership and Government Inspirements
Level--Doctrine--The 'Why”--Knowledge/Mind
- ?How Essential Skills for Living the Gospel: Choose 1 personal leadership skill for October. Read the section and decide how and in what ways you want to work on that skill during the month of October. Record in your Reflection Journal which skill you are working on and the ways you want to improve or change a habit. Keep track of your progress for the month. Include using your weekly student accountability sheet to remind you on a daily basis. In writing in your Reflection Journal or a personal journal, compare how you were before you started to how you are doing at the end of the month. Will you need to work on that skill longer than one month? You decide and record your experiences. You are welcome to share your experience from September in class.
Promises of the Constitution: Read Section 1 “Waiting” and Section 8 “Economic Freedom”. Choose a writing style and create what will help you to understand each vignette. You can write questions to ask the class or questions for Sister Allen (email Sister Allen your questions the Monday prior to class), you can use key words/pictures, or write a short story.
- TJED for Teens Chapter 2: (23 pages) As you read this chapter go ahead and write thoughts in the margins (if the book belongs to you). How many books have you taken to level 3? Go ahead and fill in the chart if you can or copy the chart and mark the levels you have reached. How many books have you read as of today from this list. What do you plan to do with this list? Write you answers in your Reflection Journal.
Hero of the Month Report: Research a man or woman that you would like to spotlight as your hero for the month of October. Write a paper or an outline, include pictures...be creative...come dressed as your hero of the month. Come with a picture to place on the time line with important dates included. Explain why you chose this person, what makes him or her a hero to you, what did they do? If you need a book, Sister Allen has several in the Lending Library you can check out.
Jeopardy anyone? Email Sister Allen questions with answers that can be used in a game of jeopardy. I'll provide the speed timers you provide the easy, medium, and hard questions. Please email your Q/A's to Sister Allen by Tuesday evening the night before Leadership class. Tell me which level your questions belong to. These can be questions from our readings for October as well as September.

- Mark which level you have reached for any of the books on the 100 list found in chapter 2 of TJED for Teens AND share about one book that has really made you think differently and has changed your life since reading it. Compare how you were before reading the book to how you see yourself today. Come
prepared to share about the author, the book, history behind the book, and anything else you have learned.
- Answer the following question: “Is wisdom a characteristic found only in educated people, or can it come from people of all backgrounds?” Write a few sentences, a few paragraphs or even a page explaining your answer. Give an example to back up your statements.
- Complete a Word Study of 1 or 2 words you didn't understand in Promises of the Constitution, such as stewardship, inalienable, integrity or morality etc. You can use notes, pictures, a diagram...be creative, learn the roots of the word too.
Write a creative story as if you were an American colonist the day the newspapers announced that the United States had a new government. What would you be excited about? What would you be concerned about? What would some of your biggest questions be? Come prepared to share during your presentation time. You could dress up like a colonist too. Give a copy of your story to Sister Allen either by email or at class.
- Vignette 8.2 asks for a 'faithful and wise” steward, or manager. Create a list of at least 5 characteristics that you think are required to be a faithful and wise steward over something or someone. You can add pictures to your words, you can write a story about these characteristics, you can act out the 5 characteristics. Include an example of a person from history that has these characteristics you are seeking as a wise steward. Or share how you have developed or are developing these characteristics that you listed.
Create a prezi presentation to share all that you learned for leadership this month. Call Sister Allen in advance so she can hopefully (cross your fingers) get the projector working. Learn more @ prezi.com
- Write or type a paper about anything you learned or realized about yourself that you didn't know before reading chapter 2 of TJED for Teens. Are there changes you want to make to add more book to your reading list? Have you ever held a book club? What do you feel you should be doing regarding the books after reading this chapter?Share a copy of your writing with Sister Allen either by email or at class.
- Imagine there is a youth your age living far away who has no books and learns by reading letters sent to him or her. Create a story to share with this youth about the books you have read this month for Leadership class and include your insights, your questions, your confusion over ideas,what got you excited to understand, how do you plan to make changes to help improve your leadership skills, reading skills, discussion skills.... Be creative as you like. You can include pictures, drawings, photos...

you have any questions feel free to call me at 801-850-6554 or email
me at veronnicaallen@gmail.com
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