The October Journeyman
class will work differently this month. We will meet from 12:30 pm to
1:00 pm and then all the apprentice youth will be invited back to
class for our guest speaker; Mrs. Pamela Openshaw. Pam will conclude
her presentation at 2:00 pm.
Level—Principles--The “What”--Understanding/Heart
Accomplish the following
assignments. If you can mark in your books please do so using the
color code system.
Uncle Eric: Personal, Career, and Financial Security: Read letters 9-17 (30 pages). As you read, relate what Uncle Eric is saying to situations in the Book of Mormon, relate to the gospel models we use. Can you see how circular reasoning, or cognitive dissonance is used in the Book of Mormon? Give an example.
SEEDFOLKS: Read the entire book (69 pages) It's an interesting and very quick read. Color code at lest 2 chapters of this book, using the color code and colored pencils you received at Vision Day. Prepare Character Studies of any two (2) persons in the novel. You have a form to help guide you. You will need external and internal descriptions. If you have questions just call or email Sister Allen.
- Create the garden as you saw it in Seedfolks. This can be a painting, drawing, tri-fold presentation board, etc. Hint: Look on-line there are many ideas.
- Continue writing the story of one of the characters in Seedfolks. Explain what happened before or after the garden experience for that character. Come dressed up as the character too if you want. Turn a copy of your writing in to Sister Allen.
- Create your own project for Seedfolks. Watch this youtube for an idea:
- Answer the following questions about Seedfolks in complete sentences, share in class, and give a copy of your writing to Sister Allen.-Why is the community garden so important to the characters in Seedfolks?-Picture this: what if the story were set in a different city? Or even a different country? How do you think a new setting would change this tale?-Why do you think the main characters only have first names? How would the story be different if they had last names, too?-Why is weather so important in this book?-Does Seedfolks have one main character? How would you pick who the main character is?-How is the community garden connected with the past? Does memory play a role in creating the garden? Or is the garden about starting fresh?-Take a look at the illustrations (by illustrator Judy Pederson) at the beginning of each chapter. -What do you think of these pictures? What is their purpose? Do they help you to know the characters better?
- Having a hard time understanding Uncle Eric or Richard Maybury? Learn more about Richard and what he stand for at this link: After learning and watching youtubes involving Richard, write a paragraph or more about what you learned. Turn a copy in to Sister Allen.
- From Uncle Eric's 16th letter; draw your home/state and relate it to 14 different places in the world. You have fun with this...relate distance, degrees, cultural decide. Use a big map and sting or markers for indicators that you make. Have fun with it. Bring your project to class for display.
Uncle Eric has mentioned a lot about models or paradigms. He thinks most models start out as conscious efforts and slip into the unconscious. He calls this “developing a habit”. Take a good look at yourself, maybe get a mirror and look at yourself for a long while. Are you aware of how many models you have already adopted? Are they good models? After thinking about this, write in your Reflection Journal about your models and those you want to change, improve, or drop completely. Compare how or if you are being more aware of your thinking patterns as they relate to people, places, things since you started reading Uncle Eric.
- Share a time when you had to change your model about some way of thinking or doing something. How hard was it to admit you needed to change or that you were wrong. Have you grown from the experience? What do you do now to make sure your models are correct and true?

If you have any questions feel free to call me at 801-850-6554 or email me at
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